miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Hi in this day I going to speak about the Ayón a player basketball. He is a goob mexican player .Now he won´t play in team the Fuenalabrada but he will go to play in NBA. Good luck and bye.

Money, money and money

The basketball player of the team Bulls, Derrick Rose, will renew his contract for 94.8 million dollar and the contract will be valid until 2017. This contract show us the sum of money which is used in basketball.

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Pau Gasol has been stopped

The day 09/12/2011 NBA has said no to the translate of Pau Gasol of the team Lakers of Los Ángeles to the team Hornets of New Orleans. The spokesperson of NBA has said this
happened for basketball reason and for anything more.
